Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jumpgate Live Wallpaper v1.05

  - New Feature: Multiple Characters!  Android, Spaceship, None
  - Update: Added a bit of rolling motion to flight
  - Update: 'Pixelated' style energy
  - Bug Fix: 'Flight Speed' no longer ranges from 'dim' to 'bright'

Lots of folks wanted something other than Jetpack Android, so that's the main focus of this update. You can switch him out for a pretty sweet spacecraft, or turn off the character entirely if you'd like.  I added some rolling to the flight motion on the spaceship, and it looked nice so added a bit to Android as well.

People have really dug this wallpaper so far, hopefully we can build in a few more fun features to make it even cooler!


  1. I have installed it and try to buy but not possible since the market's form said "cannot install in this device"
    I am using nexus one.
    Is there any other way like serial number or key code, etc?

    Love this live wallpaper so much


  2. My first attempt to purchase this said it could not install on my Xoom so I installed on my HTC Inspire and now have been charged twice. This is something that you or Google should look into. I could not reply last night because of Google's checkout site was not loading on computer. Thanks and I really like this Jumpgate live wallpaper.

  3. Enjoy the wallpaper on my Galaxy S but the asteroid frquency slider doesn't seem to affect the asteroid frequency. Where can I leave a bug report? I'm trying to get asteroid frequency to zero so my desktop looks less cluttered ;-)

    Beautiful wallpaper, by the way.

  4. Loved this wallpaper great job!
