Friday, May 13, 2011

Blue Skies Live Wallpaper v1.45

  - Bug Fix: No more visible teleporting of balloons/UFOs in landscape mode
  - Update: Performance improvements on high res screens

This one's pretty much just what it sounds like.  I saw the teleport bug happen a bunch of times while showing out stuff at Google I/O, and don't know how I missed it before.  It shouldn't be an issue any longer.


  1. awesome.... love it.... but where do I get the full version?

  2. I want thema full version. Where can I get it?

  3. I just bought 1.45, and after adjusting the settings, it won't show the gallons, UFO's, or changes in clouds. I have an HTC inspire.

  4. So, I love this wallpaper, but how hard would it be to allow custom background images for the clouds to sit on top of? Kinda like the ability to select from the 3 different sky backgrounds, but add the ability to choose a custom one.
    That'd be awesome!

  5. Can't get the pro version either. ...would have liked to pay for this splendid work
